Spread Your Wings and Fly


26 May 2023: We have formally relocated to South Florida! True, we have moved back in February, but we are slowly transitioning to our new base. At the moment, all business operations are paused until the business is reorganized in the State of Florida. However, until then, basic aircraft maintenance and remote pilot services are available. Services soon to come will include 91.411/91.413 inspections and checks, and next year, annual inspections. The former will require the formation and application for a certificated repair station. That is in process as well.

Our Services

Please visit our Member Areas & Services page for more information on what we provide, as well as associated pricing.


We provide pilot-in-command services including flight planning, airspace use filing, regulatory work to be fulfilled.

We also provide training for you and your crew to become remote pilots and visual observers.


From hangar, to tie-down, to AOG, and everything in between, we will perform any and all work needed to keep your aircraft airworthy.

For A&P applicants, we can also review your records, and provide supplemental training and test prep.

“And once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will return

— John Hermes Secondari, 1965